NOW is the chance for you to start your very own business!

inQbox-like units available for rental
Rental ranges from $60 to $220/month depending on size of box and position.

The location is at 4th level of Downtown East E!(hub), just outside of Cathay Cinema.
There will be 4 Units, 5 Push Carts and WoW! Display for the youth. The Units, Push Carts and WoW! Display are located outside Cathay Cinema with high traffic flow.
The objective of this project is to promote Youth Entrepreneurship and Youth Creativity. nEbO will be providing the youth with the following support:
- Affordable Rental (Non Commerical Rate)
- High Traffic Flow and Visibility (Outside of cathay cinema)
- Structural Support from nEbO(Renovation is done by nEbO)
- Marketing Support from nEbO (nEbO will advertise on newspaper, magazines, etc...)
- Guidance from nEbO Cafe (E!hub) operators (Cafe operators to share their entrepreneur experience)
- Networking Opportunities (To know other business partners)
If you are keen to venture into your dreams and business, kindly call Garret @ 9685 7906.
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